Friday, 15 October 2010

High speed Photography workshop

ok, if one of the glasses isn't photoshopped in, i have no idea how the photographer got them to syncronise, and how many tries it took. it's just amazing

The Arrival...

i wonder how he got in the middle so he could make the train look centred...

The Crown...

i've never really seen anything like the sky in this before, it kind of looks like it's under water, i like the effect. was probably taken on a very slow shutter speed so the clouds had time to move

Cuba Gallery: Australia / Melbourne / summer / landscape / ocean /sea / sky / clouds / sunset / people / photography

Love the use of light in a certain spot in this, the overall photo look really bright and just puts you in a happy mood :)

Friday, 8 October 2010

Photoshop - creating a logo

Open a new document -
File > New > Resolution: 150 > Ok

Write each letter of your logo in a new layer -
Text tool then type the letter
Click off the text tool
Reselect the text tool and type another letter

If one of your letters is in inverted text-
Highlight a letter with the rectangular marquee tool
Layer > Rastersize (make sure all the editing to the letter is done first as it cannot be changed after)
Image > Adjustments > Invert

To make the letter look negative (give a background) -
Make a New layer
Edit > Fill > Use: Black > Ok
Move the layers so the text is above the layer