Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Singapore New Year 2010 Fireworks

I love this :)
He has taken a photo of the fireworks on a fast shutter, so it looks frozen in time, and make the focus te fireworks by taking the photo on a fish eye lens


Originally uploaded by hovis3
Didn't know what this was at first. Love the colours, and how the photographer has captured the image reflected in the bubble, so the building looks like it is trapped inside it

Cuba Gallery: Melbourne / Graffiti / Color / Portrait / Grungy /Urban / Street photography

Love this, it's use of colour against the street backdrop.

Cuba Gallery: New York / shop / nature / butterfly / background texture / interior / amazing / vintage / photography

This must have took ages to set up

Friday, 24 September 2010

Adobe CS4 - Layering

To layer an image over another image-
-- Open both images, and hold and drag on of the tabs away so they are 2 seperate windows
-- Click on one of the images, go to Select > All OR go to the Marquee tool on the side bar and drag over what you want to Select
-- Copy (Apple C), click on the other image and Paste (Apple V) and the selected image will be pasted in the other image
-- The image you now will have is the selected image as layer 1 and the first image is background
-- To resize, rotate, and warp the image, go to Edit > Transform and pick from the menu

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Adobe Photoshop CS4 and Your Pictures

When you put a picture on Blogger, take down the resolution to under 100, so people can't take hight quality prints from your site

Save - Apple S
Undo - Windows > History then chick the part you want to go back to

Tuesday, 14 September 2010